Procedure of writing your bachelor thesis at our department

  1.      Join our ILIAS course “Abschlussarbeiten / Theses”.

Please send a message to Mrs. Janic to receive the password for the ILIAS course.

2.       Choose a starting time for your thesis via the ILIAS course.

We would like to give you flexibility with regard to the starting date of your thesis. Therefore, you can use the booking tool "Registrierung für einen Bearbeitungszeitraum" in the ILIAS course to register for a period in which you would like to register for a topic/start writing your thesis. Please note that we will release a fixed number of available topics for booking based on the registrations per period. Thus, the topics within the respective booking period are reserved to those students who have registered for the period via the booking tool beforehand.

3.             Choose a topic.

You can register for one of the open topics in the "Open topics" booking tool at the start of your reserved thesis period by booking it. Please note that topics are allocated on a ‘first come first serve’ basis. Topics are available if there is, for example, 1/1 next to the topic in the booking tool (0/1 means that the topic has already been booked and is therefore no longer available for booking).

4.             Write an e-mail to your supervisor.

Inform your supervisor by e-mail immediately after booking that you have booked the topic (you will find the e-mail address of your supervisor in the booking information of the topic that you have chosen. The subject of the e-mail should contain the following information: Research Concept BT, [Topic ID], [Date of booking].

5.            Write your research proposal.

A prerequisite for writing a bachelor thesis at our department is a relevant research proposal (2-5 pages) that clearly states what you want to do, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it. Please be sure to follow the template [a template can be found in our ILIAS course "Thesis/Abschlussarbeiten"] and the general advice on scientific writing from our course "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" for your research concept.

6.           Submit your research proposal to your supervisor.

You can find more information about this in our ILIAS course.

7.          Feedback on your research proposal.

Your supervisor will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your research proposal

8.          Thesis registration.

Your supervisor will register your thesis together with you at the examination office. Please fill out this template.