Seminar Economics of Innovation

Modul No:5209-611 (1st Parallel Group)

Title: "Twin Transition – sustainable and digital Transformation in the Context of the Innovation System Approach"

Responsible person: Madeleine Buckisch

The emergence of new technologies such as communication technology, the internet of things, artificial intelligence and robotics has sparked a profound digital transformation, reshaping numerous industries. Simultaneously, the need for environmental action is increasingly emphasized in various contexts. For example, the European Union has committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, whilst setting ambitious plans for substantial progress in the realm of digital transformations. The alignment of both goals, digital and sustainable transformation across all sectors of the economy, is referred to as the twin transition. Navigating these two objectives presents a complex challenge, as the pursuit of both environmental sustainability and digital advancement can create synergies but also conflicts. This master seminar delves into the analysis of these transformation dynamics through the lens of the innovation systems approach. Participating students write a seminar paper on current issues in the field of the twin transition, using a broad spectrum of methods ranging from systematic literature reviews to text analyses and structured interviews. 

Session 1: Kick-off: 04.04.2024, 14:00 – 16:00, Room S14

Session 2: How to research: On demand

Student presentations: 06.06.2024, 14:00 – 16:00, Room S14

Registration: If you are interested in participating in this seminar, please send an email to Madeleine Buckisch by 03 April 2024 with the subject ‘Master Seminar 2024 Innovation Economics  – [your name] – [your student number]’ covering the following information:

                   Have you ever attended a lecture / course / seminar at our chair? If so, which one?

                   What are your expectations concerning this seminar?

                   Have you already participated in a seminar course? If so, how was the result?

You will receive further information on the meetings after you are registered. During the kick-off on April 04, 2024, you will get information about the procedures and topic allocation. Please note that the completion of our ILIAS E-learning course "Scientific Writing/ Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (ab WS2022)" is a prerequisite to be able to join our seminars.

The seminar is limited to 6 participants. Places will be given "first come, first serve".