Publikationen von Prof. Dr. Andreas Pyka


Beiträge in referierten Zeitschriften:

Pyka, A., Fischer, L. and Buckisch, M. (2025), Green chemistry transformation: Resolving apparent incompatibilities in ecohumanism and ecomodernism in an innovation systems dynamics perspective, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Vol. 53, 101015,

Yun, J. J., Xiaofei, Z., Inhyouk, K., Sadoi, Y. and Pyka, A. (2025), Open Innovation and Digital Transformation in the Automotive Industry: A Comparative Analysis of South Korea, Japan, and Germany, European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 28 (forthcoming)

Paredes-Frigolett, H., Pyka, A., Bevilacqua, A. and Nachar-Calderón, L.P. (2024), Governance of responsible research and innovation: A social welfare, psychologically grounded multicriteria decision analysis approach, HeliyonDOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e40863

Vermeulen, B. and Pyka, A. (2024), The Twin Digital and Green Transition: Paradigm Shift or Tech Fix?, Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, 2004/3 No. 45, 1-29, DOI: 10.3917/jie.045.0001

Pyka, A. (2024), What is the Difference between Economic Growth, Economic Development and Economic Transformation? The Bioeconomy Example, Rassegna Economica, 1/2023, 131-152

Wilke, U., & Pyka, A. (2024), Sustainable innovations, knowledge and the role of proximity: A systematic literature review, Journal of Economic Surveys, 1–26, 

Wilke, U. and Pyka, A.(2024), Assessing the relevance of different proximity dimensions for knowledge exchange and (co-)creation in sustainability-oriented innovation networks, Sustainability Science, Vol. 19, 1427-1443

Ghufran, M., Aldieri, L., Pyka, A., Ali, S., Bimonte, G., Senatore, L. and Vinci, C. P. (2025), Food security assessment in the light of sustainable development goals: a post‑Paris Agreement era, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Vol. 27, 4541-4569.

Ferraz, D. and Pyka, A. (2023), Circular economy, bioeconomy, and sustainable development goals: a systematic literature review, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 30,

Paredes-Frigolett, H. and Pyka, A. (2023), Global dematerialization, the renaissance of Artificial Intelligence, and the global stakeholder capitalism model of digital platforms: current challenges and future directions, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 33, 671-705.

Stöber, L. F., Boesino, M., Pyka, A., & Schuenemann, F. (2023), Bioeconomy Innovation Networks in Urban Regions: The Case of Stuttgart, Land, 12(4), 935.

Guffarth, D., Lang, L. and Pyka, A. (2023), Unveiling strategies in recent automotive history. Using patent citations for ambidexterity evidence, Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, Vol. 9(1),

Paredes-Frigolett, H. and Pyka, A. (2022), The global stakeholder capitalism model of digital platforms and its implications for strategy and innovation from a Schumpeterian perspective, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 32 (2), 463-500.

Ramkumar, S., Müller, M., Pyka, A. and Squazzoni, F. (2022), Diffusion of eco-innovation through inter-firm network targeting: An agent-based model, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 335, 10 February 2022, 130298.

Pyka, A., Cardellini, G., van Meijl, H. and Verkerk, P.J. (2022), Modelling the bioeconomy: emerging approaches to address policy needs, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 330, 129801.

Pyka, A., Ari, E., Alva-Ferrari, A. and Urmetzer, S. (2022), The bioeconomy transition process – Sailing through storms and doldrums in unknown waters, Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, Vol. 38 (2), 35-61.

Oriama, R., & Pyka, A. (2021), Understanding the Transformation to a Knowledge-Based Health Bioeconomy: Exploring Dynamics Linked to Preventive Medicine in Kenya. Sustainability, 13(21), 12162.

Hartmann, D., Ferraz, D., Bezerra, M., Pyka, A. and Pinheiro, F.L. (2021), Comparing Cars With Apples? Identifying the Appropriate Benchmark Countries for Relative Ecological Pollution Rankings and International Learning, Front. Environ. Sci., 22 November 2021 |

Wilke, U., Schlaile, M., Urmetzer, S., Müller, M., Bogner, K. and Pyka, A. (2021), Time to Say ‘Good Buy’ to the Passive Consumer? A Conceptual Review of the Consumer in the Bioeconomy, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, Vol. 34, Article No. 20

Paredes-Frigolett, H., Pyka, A. and Bevilacqua Leoneti, A. (2021), On the performance and strategy of innovation systems: A multicriteria group decision analysis approach, Technology in Society, Vol. 67

Vermeulen, B., Müller, M. and Pyka, A. (2021), Social Network Metric-Based Interventions? Experiments with an Agent-Based Model of the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Metropolitan Region, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Vol. 24 (3).

Dahlke, J., Bogner, K., Becker, M., Schlaile, Michael P., Pyka, A. and Ebersberger, B. (2021), Crisis-driven innovation and fundamental human needs: A typological framework of rapid-response COVID-19 innovations, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 169.

Ferraz, D., Oliveira, F. C. R. , Rebelatto, D. A. N. and Pyka, A. (2021), Mechanization in Sugarcane production and other Agricultural Activities: an econometric analysis of employment and income, GESTÃO & PRODUÇÃO, Vol. 28 (4).

Paredes-Frigolett, H., Singer, A.E. and Pyka, A. (2021), A Framework for Ethical Research and Innovation, Science and Engineering Ethics, Vol. 27 (11).

Saviotti, P., Pyka, A. and Jun, B. (2020), Diversification, structural change, and economic development, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 30(5), 1301–1335.

Urmetzer, S., Lask, J., Vargas-Carpintero, R. and Pyka, A. (2020), Learning to change: Transformative knowledge for building a sustainable bioeconomy, Ecological Economics, 167.

Pyka, A., Bogner, K. and Urmetzer, S. (2019), Productivity Slowdown, Exhausted Opportunities and the Power of Human Ingenuity—Schumpeter Meets Georgescu-Roegen, "Second IT Revolution and Dynamic Open Innovation: From Smart City, Autonomous Car, Intelligent Robot, and Block Chain to Sharing Economy" - A Special Issue of Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 5(3), 39.

Pyka, A., Kudic, M. and Mueller, M. (2019), Systemic interventions in regional innovation systems: entrepreneurship, knowledge accumulation and regional innovation, Regional Studies, 53(9), 1321-1332.

Pyka, A., Müller, M. and Kudic, M. (2018), Regional Innovation Systems in Policy Laboratories, Open Innovation, 4(4),44.

Lee, M., Yun, J. J., Pyka, A., Won, D., Kodama F., Schiuma, G., Park H., Jeon, J., Park, K., Jung, K., Yan, M., Lee, S. and Zhao, X. (2018), How to Respond to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or the Second Information Technology Revolution? Dynamic New Combinations between Technology, Market, and Society through Open Innovation, Open Innovation, 4(3), 21.

Urmetzer, S., Schlaile, M. P., Bogner, K., Müller, M. and Pyka, A. (2018), Exploring the Dedicated Knowledge Base of a Transformation towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy, Sustainability, 10(6), 1694.

Vermeulen, B. and Pyka, A. (2018), The role of network topology and the spatial distribution and structure of knowledge in regional innovation policy. A calibrated agent-based model study, Computational Economics, 52(3), 773-808.

Vermeulen, B., Kesselhut, J., Pyka, A. and Saviotti, P.P. (2018), The Impact of Automation on Employment: Just the Usual Structural Change?, Sustainability, 10(5), 1661.

Schlaile, M. P., Müller, M., Schramm, M. and Pyka, A. (2018), Evolutionary Economics, Responsible Innovation and Demand: Making a Case for the Role of Consumers, Philosophy of Management, 17, 7-39.

Müller, M.,  Kudic M. and Pyka, A. (2017), Ex-ante Evaluation von Investitionsalternativen - Am Beispiel von Wissenstransfer-, Lern- und Innovationsprozessen, TATuP Zeitschrift für Technologiefolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 26(3), 51-57.

Pyka, A. (2017), Dedicated innovation systems to support the transformation towards sustainability: creating income opportunities and employment in the knowledge-based digital bioeconomy, Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 3(4), 27.

Schlaile, M., Urmetzer, S., Blok, V., Andersen, A., Timmermans, J., Mueller, M., Fagerberg, J. and Pyka, A. (2017), Innovation Systems for Transformations towards Sustainability? Taking the Normative Dimension Seriously, Sustainabillity, 9(12).

Scheiterle, L., Ulmer, A., Birner, R. and Pyka, A. (2017), From commodity-based value chains to biomass-based value webs: The case of sugarcane in Brazil’s bioeconomy, Journal of Cleaner Production,

Pyka, A., Buchmann, T. and Vermeulen, B. (2017), Biosimilars in Germany: the emergence of a new industry in the light of the varieties of capitalism approach, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 29 (3), 276-289.

Vermeulen, B., Pyka, A.,  La Poutré, J. A. and de Kok, A.G. (2017), Capability-based governance patterns over the product life-cycle. An agent-based model, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 13, 311-349.

Paredes-Frigolett, H. and Pyka, A. (2017), A Model of Innovation Network Formation, Innovation: Organization & Management, 19 (2), 245-269.

Vermeulen, B. and Pyka, A. (2016). Agent-based Modeling for Decision Making in Economics under Uncertainty. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 10 (2016-6), 1-33.

Saviotti, P.P., Pyka, A. and Jun, B. (2016), Education, Structural Change and Economic Development, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 38, 55-68.

Kudic, M., Pyka, A. and Sunder, M. (2016), The formation of R&D cooperation ties: an event history analysis for German laser source manufacturers. Industrial and Corporate Change, 25(4), 649-670.

Casalini, A.,Fioretti, G., and Pyka, A. (2016), Playfulness, ideology and the technology of foolishness in the creation of a novel market niche for distributed control: The case of iPLON, Journal of Organization Design, 5(1), 6.

Saviotti, P.P. and Pyka, A. (2015), Innovation, Structural Change and Demand Evolution: does demand saturate? Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 27 (2), 337-358.

Dopfer, K. Potts, J., and Pyka, A. (2015), Upward and downward complementarity: the meso core of evolutionary growth theory. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 26, 753-763.

Müller, M., Pyka, A. and Schrempf, B. (2015), Simulating demand-side effects on innovation. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 5(3), 220-236.

Kudic, M., Pyka, A. and Günther, J. (2015), Taking the first step - what determines German laser source manufacturers' entry into innovation networks? International Journal of Innovation Management, 19 (5).

Buchmann, T. and Pyka, A. (2015), The evolution of innovation networks: the case of a publicly funded German automotive network. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 24(1-2), 114-139.

Ahrweiler, P., Schilperoord, M. Pyka, A. and Gilbert, N. (2015), Modelling Research Policy: Ex-Ante Evaluation of Complex Policy Instruments. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 18 (4).

Triulzi, G., Pyka, A. and Scholz, R. (2014), R&D and Knowledge Dynamics in University-Industry Relationships in Biotech and Pharmaceuticals: An Agent-Based Model. International Journal of Biotechnology, 13, 137-179.

Pyka, A. (2014), Avoiding evolutionary inefficiencies in innovation networks. Prometheus, 32 (3), 265-279.

Di Meglio, G., Pyka, A. and Rubalcaba, L. (2014), On the ‘how many Europes’ Debate: Varieties of Service Economies. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 106(3), 307-320.

Blind, G. and Pyka, A. (2014), The rule approach in evolutionary economics: A methodological template for empirical research. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 24 (5), 1085-1105.

Blind, G. and Pyka, A. (2014), Erich Schneider: The admiring disciple who did not become a follower. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 25, 239-252.

Saviotti, P.P. and Pyka, A. (2013), From Necessities to Imaginary Worlds: Structural Change, Product Quality and Economic Development. Technological Forecasting and Social Change,  80(8), 1499-1512.

Saviotti, P.P and Pyka, A. (2013), The co-evolution of innovation, demand and growth. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 22(5), 461-482.

Fier, H. and Pyka, A. (2013), Against the one-way-street: Analyzing knowledge transfer from industry to science. Journal of Technology Transfer, 39(2), 219-246.

Saviotti, P.P and Pyka, A. (2012), On the Co-Evolution of Innovation and Demand: Some Policy Implications. Revue de L’OFCE / Debates and Policies, 124, 347-388.

Pyka, A., Ahrweiler P. and Gilbert, N. (2012), ПРОЦЕССЫ ПОРОЖДЕНИЯ И ДИФФУЗИИ ЗНАНИЯ В ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ СЕТЯХ: АГЕНТНАЯ СИМУЛЯЦИОННАЯ МОДЕЛЬ (Knowledge Generation and Diffusion Processes in Innovation Networks). The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology,  XV (5), 327–348.

Triulzi, G. and Pyka, A. (2011), Learning-by-modeling: Insights from an Agent-Based Model of University–Industry Relationships. Cybernetics and Systems, 42(7), 484-501.

Saviotti, P.P. and Pyka, A. (2011), Generalized barriers to entry and economic development, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 21(1), 29-52.

Ahrweiler, P., Pyka, A. and Gilbert, N. (2011), A new model for university-industry links in knowledge-based economies. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(2), 218-235.

Ahrweiler, P., Gilbert, N and Pyka, A. (2011), Agency and Structure. A social Simulation of knowledge-intensive Industries. Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory, 17, 59-76.

Hartmann, D., Pyka, A. and Hanusch, H. (2010), Applying Comprehensive Neo-Schumpeterian Economics to Latin American Economies. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 21, 70-83.

Dachs, B. and Pyka, A. (2010), What drives the internationalisation of innovation? Evidence from European patent data. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 19, 71-86.

Scholz, R. and Pyka, A. (2009), A Neo-Schumpeterian Model of Energy Markets. Cybernetics and Systems, 40(5), 418-440.

Deichsel, S. and Pyka, A. (2009), A Pragmatic Reading of Friedman's Methodological Essay and What It Tells Us for the Discussion of ABMs. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 12(4),6.

Saviotti, P.P. and Pyka, A. (2008). Micro and macro dynamics: Industry life cycles, inter-sector coordination and aggregate growth. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18(2), 167-182.

Saviotti, P.P. and Pyka, A. (2008), Product Variety, Competition and Economic Growth, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18, 323-347.

Dachs, B., Ebersberger, B. and Pyka, A. (2008), Why do firms cooperate for innovation? A comparison of Austrian and Finnish CIS3 results. International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, 4(3/4), 200-229.

Pyka, A., Gilbert, N. and Ahrweiler, P. (2007), Simulating Knowledge-Generation and – Distribution Processes in Innovation Collaborations and Networks. Cybernetics and Systems, 38(7), 667-693.

Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (2007), The Principles of Neo-Schumpeterian Economics. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 31(2), 275-289.

Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (2007), Manifesto for Comprehensive Neo-Schumpeterian Economics. History of Economic Ideas, XV, 2007, 11-29.

Gilbert, N., Ahrweiler, P. and Pyka, A. (2007), Learning in Innovation Networks – Some Simulation Experiments. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 378, 100-109.

Ahrweiler, P., Gilbert, N., and Pyka, A. (2006). Institutions matter, but...: Organizational alignment in knowledge-based industries, the case of German and British bio-pharmaceuticals. Science, Technology & Innovation Studies, 2, 3-18.

Balzat, M. and Pyka, A. (2006). Mapping national innovation systems in the OECD area. International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, 2(1-2), 158-176.

Pyka, A. and Saviotti, P. (2005). The evolution of R&D networking in the biotech industries. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 5(1-2), 49-68.

Saviotti, P. P. and Pyka, A. (2004). Economic development, variety and employment. Revue économique, 55(6), 1023-1049.

Saviotti, P. P. and Pyka, A. (2004). Economic development, qualitative change and employment creation. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 15(3), 265-287.

Saviotti, P. P. and Pyka, A. (2004). Economic development by the creation of new sectors. Journal of evolutionary economics, 14(1), 1-35.

Menhart, M., Pyka, A., Ebersberger, B. and Hanusch, H. (2004). Product innovation and population dynamics in the German insurance market. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft, 93(3), 477-519.

Cantner, U., Ebersberger, B., Hanusch, H., Krüger, J. J. and Pyka, A. (2004). The Twin Peaks in National Income. Revue économique, 55(6), 1127-1144.

Pyka, A. and Windrum, P. (2003). The self-organisation of strategic alliances. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 12(3), 245-268.

Grebel, T., Pyka, A. and Hanusch, H. (2003). An evolutionary approach to the theory of entrepreneurship. Industry and innovation, 10(4), 493-514.

Pyka, A. (2002). Innovation networks in economics: from the incentive-based to the knowledge-based approaches. European Journal of Innovation Management, 5(3), 152-163.

Ebersberger, B. and Pyka, A. (2002). Innovation and Sectoral Employment: A Trade–off between Compensation Mechanisms. Labour, 16(4), 635-665.

Gilbert, N., Pyka, A. and Ahrweiler, P. (2001). Innovation networks-a simulation approach. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 4(3), 1-13.

Cantner, U., Ebersberger, B., Hanusch, H., Krüger, J. J. and Pyka, A. (2001). Empirically based simulation: the case of twin peaks in national income. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation,  4(3), 9.

Cantner, U. and Pyka, A. (2001). Classifying technology policy from an evolutionary perspective. Research Policy, 30(5), 759-775.

Pyka, A. (2000). Informal networking and industrial life cycles. Technovation, 20(1), 25-35.

Cantner, U. and Pyka, A. (1998). Technological evolution—an analysis within the knowledge-based approach. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 9(1), 85-107.

Cantner, U. and Pyka, A. (1998). Absorbing technological spillovers: simulations in an evolutionary framework. Industrial and Corporate Change, 7(2), 369-397.

Pyka, A. (1997). Informal networking. Technovation, 17(4), 207-224.


Sonstige Zeitschriften:

Pyka, A., Stratz, F. and Messaoud, B. (2018). Ein neues Mobilitätsparadigma? Elektrischer, autonomer und vernetzter Personennahverkehr, in: Behördenspiegel - Das E-Mobility-Magazin 2018, 18-19.

Yadack, M., Bogner, K., Vermeulen, B., Graebig, M. and Pyka, A. (2016). Stadtwerke als Gestalter der Energiewende. e m w, Vol. 5, 55-57.

Pyka, A. and Buchmann, T. (2012). Netzwerkindikatoren zur Bewertung der innovativen Leistungsfähigkeit. Controlling & Management, Vol. 56, 22-29.

Hanusch, H., Pyka, A. and Wackermann, F. (2010). Pattern of Future-Orientation in Central and Eastern Europe. Köz-Gazdasàg - Economic Theory and Policy, Vol.15 (August 2010), 173-190.

Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (2006). Applying a Comprehensive Neo-Schumpeterian Approach to Europe and its Lisbon Agenda. Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsreihe, Universität Augsburg, Beitrag, 286.

Pyka, A. (2006). Innovation und Rechtsschutz aus industrieökonomischer Perspektive. MedizinProdukteRecht (MPR), Vol. 6(4), 80-95.

Ahrweiler, P., Pyka, A. and Gilbert, N. (2001), Innovationsnetzwerke: Simulationsexperimente zur Politikberatung, I.T.S. Time: Technology, Innovation, Management & Engineering, Vol. 2, 21–28.



Paredes-Frigolett, H. and Pyka, A. (2025), The Dynamic Metacapabilities Framework, Introducing Quantum Management and the Informational View of the Firm, Cambridge Elements of Evolutionary Economics, Cambridge, UK.

Sorensen, J., Zawieska, K., Vermeulen, B., Madsen, S., Trentenmoeller, S., Pyka, A., Bulgheroni, M., Richardson, K. and Hasse, C. (2019), Perspectives on Robots - A reality check on imagined futures, Aarhus University, Denmark,

Nelson, R., Dosi, G., Helfat, C., Pyka, A., Saviotti, P.P., Lee, K., Dopfer, K., Malerba, F. and Winter, S.G. (2018), Modern Evolutionary Economics – An Overview. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Pyka, A. (1999). Der kollektive Innovationsprozess – Eine theoretische Analyse informeller Netzwerke und absorptiver Fähigkeiten. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin. Buchbesprechungen hierzu in: Kyklos (2000), Vol.53, S.238-240 in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (2000), Vol.220, S.634f.


Beiträge in Büchern und Sammelbänden:

Chen, P., Elsner, W. and Pyka, A. (2025). The Complexity of Complexity Economics, its History and Interdisciplinarity and its diverse Perspectives and Future, In: Chen, P., Elsner, W. and Pyka, A. (eds.) (2025), Routledge International Handbook of Complexity Economics, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, NY., 1-18.

Pyka, A., Lang, S. and Ari, E. (2025). What can the bioeconomy contribute to the achievement of higher degrees of sustainability? From substitution to structural change to transformation (chapter 10), In: Viaggi, D. (ed.) Handbook on the Bioeconomy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK

Lee, M., Yun, J. J., Pyka, A., Won, D., Kodama F., Schiuma, G., Park H., Jeon, J., Park, K., Jung, K., Yan, M., Lee, S. and Zhao, X. (2025). How to Respond to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or the Second Information Technology Revolution? Dynamic New Combinations between Technology, Market, and Society through Open Innovation, In: Yun, J.J. (ed.), Open Innovation Dynamics: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy in the 21st Century, (reprint), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, UK.

Vermeulen, B. and Pyka, A. (2023). Extending Herbert Simon's “Science of Design”: the Role of Collaboration and Users in Development of Technically Advanced Systems, In: Venkatachalam, R. (eds), Artificial Intelligence, Learning and Computation in Economics and Finance. Understanding Complex Systems, Springer: Cham.

Pyka, A. and Stöber, L. (2023). Services of Green Platforms for the Sustainability Transformation from an Evolutionary Economics Perspective, In: Gallouj, F., Gallouj, C., Monnoyer, M.-C. and Rubalcaba, L. (eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Services, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.

Pyka, A., Ari, E. and Lang, S. (2023). Dedicated Regulation: Translating Missions into Regulation, In: Braunerhjelm, P. (ed.), Handbook of Innovation and Regulation, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.

Pyka, A., Lang, S. and Ari, E. (2023). What can the bioeconomy contribute to the achievement of higher degrees of sustainability? From substitution to structural change to transformation, In: Viaggi, D. (ed.), Edward Elgar Handbook on the Bioeconomy, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.

Pyka, A., Lang, S. and Stöber, L. (2023). A sustainable knowledge-based economy analysis, In: Adatto, L., Aouinait, C., Le, S.T.K. and Mongo, M. (eds.), Innovation ecosystems in the new economic era: digital revolution and ecological transition, Peter Lang: Stuttgart.

Pyka, A. and Urmetzer, S. (2023). Transformation-Analysis – Potentials and current limits of Evolutionary Economics, In: Dopfer, K. (ed.), Elgar Research Agenda for Evolutionary Economics, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.

Müller, M. and Pyka, A. (2022). Recombinant Knowledge and Innovation, In: Antonelli, C. (ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Knowledge and Innovation, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK, 408 -415.

Hanusch, H., Pyka, A. (2022). Schumpeter, In: Lehmann-Waffenschmidt, M., Peneder, M. (eds), Evolutorische Ökonomik, Springer Gabler: Wiesbaden, 505-512.

Vermeulen, B., Pyka, A. and Saviotti, P. (2020). A taxonomic structural change perspective on the economic impact of robots and artificial intelligence on creative work, In: Hearn, G. (ed.),The Future of Creative Work Creativity and Digital Disruption, Edward Elgar Publisher: Cheltenham, 57-76.

Urmetzer, S., Schlaile, M. Bogner, K., Müller, M. and Pyka, A. (2020). Wissen für den Wandel – Wissenstheoretische Grundlagen einer nachhaltigen Bioökonomiepolitik, In: Konrad, W., Scheer, D. and  Weidtmann, A. (eds.), Bioökonomie nachhaltig gestalten – Perspektiven für ein zukunftsfähiges Wachstum, Springer VS: Wiesbaden, 73-105.

Pyka, A. (2020). The Bioeconomy from the Point of View of Innovation Economics. In: Pietzsch, J. (ed.), Bioeconomy for Beginners, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 129 – 138.

Vermeulen, B., Pyka, A. and Saviotti, P. (2020). Robots, Structural Change, and Employment: Future Scenarios. In: Zimmermann, K. (ed.), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Economics. Springer: Cham, 1-37.

Vermeulen, B., Chie, B-T., Pyka, A., and Chen S-H. (2020). Coping with Bounded Rationality, Uncertainty, and Scarcity in Product Development Decisions: Experimental Research. In: Bucciarelli, E., Chen, S-H. and Corchado, J. (eds.), Decision Economics: Complexity of Decisions and Decisions for Complexity. DECON 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol 1009. Springer: Cham, 24-35.

Burggräf, P., Lorber, C., Pyka, A., Wagner, J. and Weißer, T. (2020). Kaizen 4.0 Towards an Integrated Framework for the Lean-Industry 4.0 Transformation. In: Arai, K., Bhatia, R. and Kapoor, S. (eds.), Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2019. FTC 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol 1070. Springer: Cham, 692-709.

Urmetzer, S. and Pyka, A. (2019). Innovation Systems for Sustainability. In: Leal Filho, W., Azul, A., Brandli, L., Özuyar, P. and Wall, T. (eds.), Decent Work and Economic Growth. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Springer: Cham.

Saviotti, P.P. and Pyka, A. (2019). De las necesidades a los mundos imaginarios: cambio estructural, calidad y desarrollo económico. Un modelo evolucionista del desarrollo económico. In: Barletta, F., Robert, V. and Yoguel, G. (eds.), Tópicos de la teoría evolucionista neoschumpeteriana de la innovación y el cambio tecnológico (vol. 2), Ediciones UNGS, Buenos Aires, 2019, 195-228.

Pyka, A. and Bogner, K. (2018). Uzzi (1997): Social Structure and Competition in Interfirm Networks: The Paradox of Embeddedness. In: Holzer, B. and Stegbauer, C. (eds.), Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 535-538.

Pyka, A. and Kudic, M. (2018). Powell et al. (2005): Network Dynamics and Field Evolution. In: Holzer, B. and Stegbauer, C. (eds.), Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 469-472.

Pyka, A. and Prettner, K. (2017). Economic Growth, Development, and Innovation: The Transformation Towards a Knowledge-Based Bioeconomy. In: Lewandowski, I. (ed.), Bioeconomy -Shaping the Transition to a Sustainable, Biobased Economy, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg und New York, 329-340.

Dopfer, K., Potts, J. and Pyka A. (2017). Upward and Downward Complementarity: The Meso Core of Evolutionary Growth Theory. In: Pyka, A. and Cantner, U. (eds.), Foundations of Economic Change, A Schumpeterian View on Behaviour, Interaction and Aggregate Outcomes, Springer, Series: Economic Complexity and Evolution, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 69-80.

Pyka, A. (2017). Transformation of Economic Systems: The Bio-Economy Case. In: Dabbert, S., Lewandowski, I., Weiss, J. and Pyka, A. (eds.), Knowledge-Driven Developments in the Bioeconomy, Springer, Series: Economic Complexity and Evolution, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 3-16.

Urmetzer, S. and Pyka, A. (2017). Varieties of Knowledge-Based Bioeconomies. In: Dabbert, S., Lewandowski, I., Weiss, J. and Pyka, A. (eds.), Knowledge-Driven Developments in the Bioeconomy, Springer, Series: Economic Complexity and Evolution, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 57-82.

Pyka, A. (2017). Die Bioökonomie unter dem Blickwinkel der Innovationsökonomie. In: Pietzsch, J. (ed.), Bioökonomie für Einsteiger, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 129-138.

Müller, M. and Pyka, A. (2016), Economic Behaviour and Agent-Based Modelling. In: Frantz, R., Chen, S.-H., Dopfer, K., Heukelom, F. and Mousavi, S. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Behavioral Economics, Routledge: Abingdon, UK, 405-415.

Pyka, A. and Buchmann, T. (2016). Die Transformation zur wissensbasierten Bioökonomie. In: Burr, W. and Stephan, M. (eds.), Technologie, Strategie und Organisation, Springer Gabler: Wiesbaden, 333-362.

Yadack, M., Vermeulen, B. and Pyka, A. (2016). Competition in the German Market for Retail Electricity: An Agent-Based Simulation. In: Vermeulen, B. and Paier, M. (eds.), Innovation Networks for Regional Development, Springer: International Publishing, 255-272.

Vermeulen, B. and Pyka, A. (2016). Supraregional Relationships and Technology Development. A Spatial Agent-Based Model Study. In: Vermeulen, B. and Paier, M. (eds.), Innovation Networks for Regional Development, Springer International Publishing, 273-290.

Pyka, A. and Rashidi-Kollmann, S. (2016). Migration and Innovation – A Survey. In: Hartmann, D., Kustepeli, Y. and Pyka, A. (eds.), Innovation Networks and Knowledge Migration, Routledge: London, 89-116.

Prostolupow, I., Pyka, A. and Heller-Schuh, B. (2016). Turkish-German Innovation Networks in the European Research Landscape. In: Hartmann, D., Kustepeli, Y. and Pyka, A. (eds.), International Innovation Networks and Knowledge Migration, Routledge: London, 246-302.

Hanusch, H., Pyka, A. and Wackermann, F. (2016). Patterns of Future Orientation in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Hartmann, D., Kustepeli, Y. and Pyka, A. (eds.), International Innovation Networks and Knowledge Migration, Routledge: London, 15-32.

Gerybadze, A., Pyka, A. and Van Cour, S. (2016). Turkish Diaspora Networks and Innovation. In: Hartmann, D., Kustepeli, Y. and Pyka, A. (eds.), Innovation Networks and Knowledge Migration,  Routledge: London, 180-200.

Balkir, C., Hartmann, D. and Pyka, A. (2016). Introduction to International Innovation Networks and Knowledge Migration. In: Hartmann, D., Kustepeli, Y. and Pyka, A. (eds.), International Innovation Networks and Knowledge Migration, Routledge: London, 1-12.

Pyka, A. and Saviotti, P. (2016). Co-Evolutionary Processes in a Model of Long Run Economic Development. In: Gräbner, C., Heinrich, T. and Schwardt, H. (eds.), Policy Implications of Recent Advances in Evolutionary and Institutional Economics, Routledge: Abingdon, 137-152.

Ahrweiler, P., Gilbert, N. and Pyka, A. (2016). Policy Modelling of Large-Scale Social Systems: Lessons from the SKIN Model of Innovation. In: Ahrweiler, P., Gilbert, N. and Pyka, A. (eds.), Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Innovation Policy Agent-based Modelling using the SKIN Platform, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Cambridge, 156-180.

Pyka, A. and Saviotti, P. (2015). On the co-evolution of innovation and demand: some policy implications. In: Crespi, F. and Quatraro, F. (eds.), The economics of knowledge, innovation and systemic technology policy; Routledge Studies in Global Competition, Routledge: Abingdon, 347-388.

de Kok, A.G., La Poutré, J.A, Pyka, A. and Vermeulen, B. (2015). Product differentiation under bounded rationality. In: Handa, H., Ishibuchi, H., Ong, Y.-S. and Tan, K.-C. (eds.), Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 695-709.

Ahrweiler, P., Gilbert, N. and Pyka, A. (2015). Policy Modeling for Large Scale Social Systems. In: Johnston, E. (ed.), Governance in the Information Era, Routledge: London, 229-246.

Ahrweiler, P. and Pyka, A. (2015). Innovation. In: Saam, N. (ed.), Handbuch für Modellbildung und Simulation, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 3-14.

Vermeulen, B. and Pyka, A. (2014). Technological progress and effects of (supra) regional innovation and production collaboration. An agent-based model simulation study. In: 2014 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics (CIFEr), IEEE, 357-364.

Pyka, A. and Vermeulen, B. (2014). The effects of supraregional innovation and production collaboration on technology development in a multiregional world: A spatial agent-based model study. In: Bandini, S., Sirakoulis, G. and Was, J. (eds.), Cellular Automata, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 698-707.

Ahrweiler, P., Schilperoord M. and Pyka, A. (2014). Testing Policy Options for Horizon 2020 with SKIN. In: Ahrweiler, P., Gilbert, N. and Pyka, A. (eds.), Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 155-184.

Ahrweiler, P., Gilbert, N. and Pyka, A. (2014). Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks. In: Ahrweiler, P., Gilbert, N. and Pyka, A. (eds.), Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1-16.

Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (2013). Social innovations in the perspective of Comprehensive Neo-Schumpeterian Economics. In: Parra Rodríguez, C. and Ruiz Viñals, C. (eds.), Social Innovation – New forms of organization in knowledge-based societies, Routledge: London, New York, 29-43.

Green, L., Pyka, A. and Schön, B. (2013). A Life-Cycle based Taxonomy of Innovation Networks –with a focus on public–private collaboration. In: Gallouj, F., Rubalcaba, L. and Windrum P. (eds.), Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services. The dynamics of cooperation in service innovation, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 113-135.

Pyka, A., Ebersberger, B. and Hartmann, D. (2013). Technological Competences and Regional Innovation Networks: Measurement and Visualization with Patent Data. In: Morone, P. (ed.), Knowledge, Innovation and Internationalisation, Routledge: New York, 111-129.

Pyka, A. and Deichsel, S. (2013). Cutting Back Models and Simulations. In: Tolk, A. (ed.), Ontology, Epistemology, and Teleology for Modeling and Simulation - Philosophical Foundations for Intelligent M&S Applications, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 141-156.

Pyka, A. and Saviotti, P.P. (2012). Economic Development – More Creation than Destruction. In: Krämer, H., Kurz, H. and Trautwein, H.-M. (eds.), Macroeconomics and the History of Economic Thought – Festschrift in Honour of Harald Hagemann, Springer: London & New York, 351-367.

Fier, H. and Pyka, A. (2012). Is It Worth All the Trouble? An Assessment of the Economic Value of Firm Patent Applications with Shared Intellectual Property Rights in the Biotechnology Industry. In: Audretsch, D., Lehmann, E., Link, A. and Sarnecker, A. (eds.), Technology Transfer in a Global Economy, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 123-142.

Buchmann, T. and Pyka, A. (2012). Innovation Networks. In: Dietrich, M. and Krafft, J. (eds.), Handbook On The Economics And Theory Of The Firm, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 466-484.

Ahrweiler, P., Schilperoord, M., Gilbert, N. and Pyka, A. (2012). Simulating the Role of MNCs for Knowledge and Capital Dynamics in Networks of Innovation. In: Heidenreich, M. (ed.), Innovation and Institutional Embeddedness of Companies, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 141-168.

Pyka, A. (2011). Economic Growth through the Emergence of New Sectors. In: Mann, S. (ed.), Sectors Matter - Exploring Mesoeconomics, Springer: Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York, 55-102.

Ahrweiler, P., Gilbert, N., Nokkala, T., Pyka, A. and Scholz, R. (2010). The agent-based Nemo-model (SKEIN): Simulating European Framework Programmes. In: Ahrweiler, P. (ed.), Innovation in Complex Social Systems, Routledge Studies in Global Competition, Routledge: London, 300-314.

Saviotti, P. and Pyka, A. (2009). The Co-Evolution of Technologies and Financial Institutions. In: Cantner, U., Greiner, A., Kuhn, T. and Pyka, A. (eds.), Recent Advances in Neo-Schumpeterian Economics - Essays in Honour of Horst Hanusch, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 81-100.

Hanusch, H. Pyka, A. and Wackermann, F. (2009). A neo-Schumpeterian approach towards public sector economics. In: Ahrweiler, P. (ed.), Innovation in Complex Social Systems, Routledge Studies in Global Competition, University of Augsburg: Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsreihe, 42-56.

Pyka, A., Gilbert, N. and Ahrweiler, P. (2009). Agent-Based Modelling of Innovation Networks – The Fairytale of Spillover. In: Pyka, A. and Scharnhorst, A. (eds.), Innovation Networks – New Approaches in Modelling and Analyzing, Complexity: Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 101-126.

Pyka, A. (2007). Innovation und Rechtsschutz aus volkswirtschaftlicher Perspektive. In: Gassner, U. (ed.), Haftung für Medizinprodukte, pmi Verlag: Frankfurt am Main.

Pyka, A. (2007). Innovation Networks. In: Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (eds.), The Elgar Companion on Neo-Schumpeterian Economics, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 360-376.

Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (2007). The Troika of Economic Growth and Development. In: Warsaw (ed.), EU Economic Development and Employment in the Context of the Lisbon Strategy, Editing Company of the F. Skarbek Graduate School of Business Economics, 12.

Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (2007). Schumpeter, Joseph Alois (1883-1950). In: Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (eds.), The Elgar Companion on Neo-Schumpeterian Economics, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 19-26.

Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (2007). Applying a Comprehensive Neo-Schumpeterian Approach to Europe and its Lisbon Agenda. In: Heise, M., Tilly, R. and Welfens, P. (eds.), 50 years of EU Dynamics, Integration - Financial Markets and Innovations, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 275-300.

Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (2007). A roadmap to comprehensive neo-Schumpeterian economics. In: Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (eds.), The Elgar Companion on Neo-Schumpeterian Economics, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 1160-1170.

Pyka, A. and Fagiolo, G. (2007). Agent-based modelling: a methodology for a neo-Schumpeterian modelling. In: Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (eds.), The Elgar Companion on Neo-Schumpeterian Economics, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 467-492.

Pyka, A. and Saviotti, P. (2006). The Concept of Network Organisation – Biotechnology-based Industries as Exemplar. In: Dopfer, K. (ed.), Economics, Evolution and the State, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 99-119.

Pyka, A. (2006). Modelling Qualitative Development. Agent Based Approaches in Economics. In: Rennard, J.-P. (ed.), Handbook of Research on Nature Inspired Computing for Economy and Management, Idea Group Inc: Hershey USA, 211-224.

Ahrweiler, P., Gilbert, N. and Pyka, A. (2006). Learning in Innovation Networks: Some Simulation Experiments. In Ahrweiler, P. (ed.), Innovation in Complex Social Systems, Routledge Studies in Global Competition, 235-249.

Gilbert, N., Ahrweiler, P. and Pyka, A. (2006). Knowledge-generation and -distribution processes in innovation collaborations and networks. In: Trappl, R. (ed.), Cybernetics and Systems, Vol. 2, Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies: Wien, 673-678.

Pyka, A. (2005). Comment on: Innovations, Technological Specialisation and Economic Convergence. In: Wlefens, P. and Wziatek-Kubiak, A. (eds.), Structural Change and Exchange Rate Dynamics, Springer: Berlin, 201-204.

Grebel, T. and Pyka, A. (2005). Modelli basati su agenti artificiali. Una metodologia per l’analisi dei processi di sviluppo qualitativo. In: Lombardi, M. and Squazzoni, F. (eds.), Saggi di economia evolutiva, Milano: Franco Angeli, 277-296.

Ahrweiler P., Gilbert N. and Pyka, A. (2004) Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks. In: Leombruni, R. and Richiardi, M. (eds.). Industry and Labor Dynamics: The Agent-based Computational Economics Approach. World Scientific Press: Singapore, 284–296.

Grebel, T., Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (2004). An Evolutionary Approach to the Theory of Entrepreneurship. In: Foster, J. and Hölzl, W. (eds.), Complexity and Applied Evolutionary Evolutionary Economics, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 155-180.

Hanusch, H., Ebersberger, B. and Pyka, A. (2004). A Conceptual Framework to Model Long-run Qualitative Change in the Energy System. In: Foster, J. and Metcalfe, S. (eds.), Evolution and Economic Complexity, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 191-214.

Ebersberger, B. and Pyka, A. (2004). The use of genetic programming in evolutionary economics. In: Foster, J. and Hölzl, W. (eds.), Applied Evolutionary Economics and Complex Systems, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 78-94.

Ahrweiler, P., Pyka, A. and Gilbert, N. (2004). Die Simulation von Lernen in Innovationsnetzwerken. In: Florian, M. and Hillebrandt, F. (eds.), Adaption und Lernen von und in Organisationen, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden, 165-185.

Pyka, A. and Saviotti, P. (2003). Innovationsnetzwerke in der Biotechnologie. Studien zur evolutorischen Ökonomik, In: Dopfer, K. (ed.), Schriftenreihe zur Evolutorischen Ökonomik, Band VII (Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Bd. 195/VII), Duncker & Humblot: Berlin, 165-195.

Pyka, A., Krüger, J. and Cantner, U. (2003). Twin Peaks – What the Knowledge-Based Approach can say about the Dynamics of the World Income Distribution. In: Saviotti, P. (ed.), Applied Evolutionary Economics, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 235-259.

Pyka, A. and Saviotti, P. (2002). Innovation networks in the biotechnology-based sectors. in: Pyka, A. and Küppers, G. (eds.), Innovation networks: Theory and practice, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 75-107.

Pyka, A. (2002). The Self-Organisation of Innovation Networks: Introductory Remarks. In: Küppers, G. and Pyka, A. (eds.), Innovation Networks - Theory and Practice, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 3-21.

Ahrweiler, P., Gilbert, N. and Pyka, A. (2002). Simulating Innovation Networks. In: Küppers, G. and Pyka, A. (eds.), Innovation Networks – Theory and Practice, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, 169-196.

Cantner, U. and Pyka, A. (2000). Investigating Innovation Strategies in an Artificial Industry. In: Saviotti, P. and Nootebom, B. (eds.), Technology and Knowledge—from the Firm to Innovation Systems, 17-46.

Cantner, U., Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (2000). Horizontal Heterogeneity, Technological Progress and Sectoral Development. In: Cantner, U., Hanusch, H. and Klepper, S. (eds.), Economic Evolution, Learning and Complexity, Physica Verlag: Heidelberg, 73-96.

Cantner, U. and Pyka, A. (2000). Technologie-Evolution. In: Lorenz, W. (ed.), Studien zur evolutorischen Ökonomik IV, Duncker & Humblot: Berlin, 67-96.

Cantner, U., Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (1998). Pushing technological progress forward: a comparison of firm strategies. In: Lesourne, J.  and Orléan, A. (eds.), Advances in self-organization and evolutionary economics. Economica: London, 114-145.

Cantner, U. and Pyka, A. (1998). Performance économique et technologique comparée des stratégies d’innovation: un modèle de simulation dynamique de concurrence monopolistique. In: Bernard, J. and Catin, M., (eds.), Les conditions économiques du changement technologique. L’Harmattan: Paris, 63-94.

Cantner, U., Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (1998). Routinized Innovations: Dynamic Capabilities in a Simulation Study. In: Eliasson, G., Green, C. and McCann, C. (eds.), Microfoundation of Economic Growth: A Schumpeterian Perspective, Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, 131-155.



Chen, P., Elsner, W. and Pyka, A. (eds.) (2025), Routledge International Handbook of Complexity Economics, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, NY.

Vermeulen, B. and Pyka, A. (2024), Twin Transition, Co-Evolution between Green and Digital Transition Processes, Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, 2004/3 No 45

Cincotti, S., Giannoccaro, I., Ponsiglione, C., Ponta, L. and Pyka, A. (2024). Editorial to the special issue on applications of complexity for resilient organizations, management and innovation systems, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, Vol. 19, 193–200.

Linser, S., Greimel, M. and Pyka, A. (2024). Special Issue on „Sustainable Land-Based Bioeconomy Development“, Land

Dopfer, K., Nelson, R. R., Potts, J. and Pyka, A. (2023). Routledge Handbook of Evolutionary Economics

Buchmann, T., Dreyer, M., Müller, M. and Pyka, A. (2023). Editorial: Responsible Research and Innovation as a toolkit: Indicators, application, and context, Special Issue, Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, Section Research Policy and Strategic Management, Vol. 8.

Debref, R., Pyka, A., and Morone, P. (2022). For an Institutionalist Approach to the Bioeconomy: Innovation, Green Growth and the Rise of New Development Models, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, Vol. 38, Issue 2, May 2022.

Pyka, A., Mazzanti, M., Morone, P. and Befort, N. (2021). Making the Transition to a Circular Bioeconomy Sustainable and Inclusive, Sustainability, Vol. 13.

Pyka, A., Ferraro, G. and Iovanello, A. (2021). Complexity: challenges and opportunities, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 129.

Pyka, A. and Lee, K. (2021). Innovation, Catch-up and Sustainable Development, A Schumpeterian Perspective, Springer, Series: Economic Complexity and Evolution, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Kudic, M., Müller, M., Buchmann, T., Pyka, A. and Günther, J. (2021). Network dynamics, economic transition, and policy design—an introduction, Review of Evolutionary Political Economy,

Lee, K. and Pyka, A. (2020). Introduction to the special issue from the 2018 ISS conference, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 30,

Pyka, A. and Dopfer, K. (2018). Evolutionary Economics, Critical Concepts in Economics, 4 Volumes, Routledge: London and New York.

Niosi, J. and Pyka, A. (2018). Building Bridges, Special Issue, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 28. 

Dawid, H. and Pyka, A. (2018). Special Issue on Evolutionary Dynamics and Agent-Based Modeling in Economics, Computational Economics, Vol. 52 (3).

Pyka, A. and Cantner, U. (2017). Foundations of Economic Change, A Schumpeterian View on Behaviour, Interaction and Aggregate Outcomes, Springer, Series: Economic Complexity and Evolution, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Dabbert, S., Lewandowski, I., Weiss, J. and Pyka, A. (2017). Knowledge-Driven Developments in the Bioeconomy, Springer, Series: Economic Complexity and Evolution, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Pyka, A., Kustepeli, Y.  and Hartmann, D. (2016). International Innovation Networks and Knowledge Migration, Routledge: London.

Pyka, A. and Foster, J. (2015). The Evolution of Economic and Innovation Systems, Springer International Publishing: Cham.

Ahrweiler, P., Gilbert, N. and Pyka, A. (2015). Joining complexity science and social simulation for innovation policy. Cambridge Publishers: Cambridge.

Gilbert, N., Ahrweiler, P. and Pyka, A. (2014). Simulating knowledge dynamics in innovation networks. Springer: Berlin.

Foster, J. and Pyka, A. (2014). Special Issue of the Journal of Evolutionary Economics, "Co-evolution and complex adaptive systems in evolutionary economics", Vol. 24(2).

Pyka, A. and Burghof, H. P. (2013). Innovation and Finance. Routledge: Abingdon.

Pyka, A. and Andersen, E. S. (2012). Introduction: long term economic development–demand, finance, organization, policy and innovation in a Schumpeterian perspective. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 22 (4), 621-625.

Pyka, A. and Fonseca, M. D. G. D.(2011). Catching up, spillovers and innovation networks in a Schumpeterian perspective. Springer Science & Business Media: Berlin, Heidelberg.

Pyka, A. and Scharnhorst, A. (2010). Innovation networks: new approaches in modelling and analyzing. Springer Science & Business Media: Berlin, Heidelberg.

Frenken, K., Pyka, A., Verspagen, B. and Windrum, P. (2010). Innovation, qualitative change and economic development—Special issue in honour of Pier-Paolo Saviotti. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 21(1), 1-4.

Pyka, A. and Werker, C. (2009). The methodology of simulation models: Chances and risks. Journal of artificial societies and social simulation, Vol. 12(4), 1.

Pyka, A., Cantner, U., Greiner, A. and Kuhn, T. (2009). Recent advances in neo-Schumpeterian economics: essays in honour of Horst Hanusch. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham UK.

Ahrweiler, P. and Pyka, A. (2008). Innovation Networks - An introduction, Special Issue of International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 4 (3/4): 1-8

Hanusch, H. and Pyka, A. (2007). Elgar companion to neo-Schumpeterian economics. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham UK.

Elsner W. and Pyka, A. (2007). Special Issue of the International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, Technology and Research, Networks and Systems of Innovation, Vol. 3(1).

Pyka, A. and Hanusch, H. (2006). Applied evolutionary economics and the knowledge-based economy. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham UK.

Pyka, A. and Ahrweiler, P. (2004). Applied Evolutionary Economics and Social Simulation, Special Issue of the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Vol. 7(2).

Küppers, G. and Pyka, A. (2002). Innovation Networks – Theory and Practice, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK.

Pyka, A. (2001). Special issue on applied simulation analysis. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Vol. 4(3).